About company
Our company
P.P.H.U. Łętowska is a company that provides innovative and comprehensive services at a high level for clients mainly in the manufacturing industry. We have been present on the Polish market since 1994.
The goal of our company is to improve the quality of products of the serviced enterprises mainly by providing services in the field of component quality control.
Fulfilling customers’ expectations regarding quality standards of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, response time, complaint handling and many other aspects affecting the level of service and satisfaction are the basic foundation of our company.
Our employees, thanks to their experience, access to corporate standards and regular training, are able to provide service at the highest level.
Quality control
Quality control is one of the production support processes aimed at detecting defective components before they are introduced into the production process or shipped to the customer. Effective quality control and repair of components has a significant impact on quality results, and thus, of course, costs and image in the eyes of the customer.
Customer service, both in the case of the production of parts for the automotive industry and other industries, requires maintaining and respecting very high and strictly defined standards, while maintaining low costs. Thanks to the quality standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, we hope to meet the expectations of our customers.
“Effective quality control has a significant impact on the quality results and the number of complaints.”
An innovative approach
We try to improve the quality of our services thanks to innovative solutions. Being innovative is not necessarily about creating something completely new, it sometimes means doing the same things in a new way. Our solutions are not so much new, but innovative, and above all effective. One of the services we provide is a new method of cleaning glass spacers. Our method has been approved and since March 16, 2009 it is protected by a patent granted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.
“Innovation does not necessarily mean creating something completely new, sometimes it means doing the same things in a new way.”